Jul 19, 2012

Random Thoughts 101

You will know that you always look down while walking if in your everyday walk, you know what leaves and flowers color the pathways. If every week, you know that plants and grasses are already cut. If every month you know what tree withers. And if once in a while you have picked a coin in the road.

Promises are fragile. Easy to make, easy to break.

Some persons are a really great pretender. They can’t express through words and actions their real feelings that is why the external emotions expressed are only forced while the true sentiments are hidden. You will just know if a person has reached his limit when you have observed that at some point in time, he’s silent - no reactions, no words. Not knowing why. But then, because he is a great pretender, he will eventually get back to his fake self, where reality is a very strange thing.

Time never stands still. It runs and runs and runs.
You cannot even hold it and grip its neck to stop from working.
Time does not stop. It continues. On and on and on and on.

Have you ever felt wanting to be anonymous? Be so mysterious, secretive, and all? Like a spy or a stalker; or even a writer who has pseudonyms. Can a child already think of being like these? Maybe yes. I was. I even like being one.

Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool. Loving them both is breaking all the rules.
Torn between two liars, feeling like a truth. Loving them both is against all rules.


  1. It'll only turn out to a very secretive person that he'll be labeled as "crazy"

    crazy because they can't make up their mind

  2. I can agree with you but then maybe secretive person are just lonely. And loneliness is a hell of a drug as to what John Mayer said.

  3. at some point all of us wants to be secretive and just hide. but then emotions are meant to be express.


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